“Children love to learn about emotions from their animated songs and apps” – … psychologist at the neurology hospital for children in Sibiu – working daily with children we’re helping

“It helps the children a lot. For a long time I wanted to make a program to help the children work with their emotions but I did not have the tools. They surely have amazing content and it helps us and the children a lot. Thank you” psychologist at Amutrel NGO – working daily with children we’re helping

We will reedit this page and include more of our recent creations for Ukrainian children and mothers. We are now busy providing them with emotional intelligence and trauma informed games, theater and magic performances, apps, books, audiobooks and VR experiences to children from Ukraine. Our time and resources are a limited but we made sure you can see some of our creations on this page. 


“I was not convinced at the beginning but then I saw it myself. Their creations are very important to help children deal with the post-operatory stress and increase the bond between children and significant adults” – Luca Silvia – chief doctor at the neurology hospital for children in Sibiu – working daily with children we’re helping

“Children who benefited from these creations and method have a more capacity of introspection and many other emotional benefits. Thank you :)” Cristina Teodorescu, psychologist at SOS children’s villages Bucharest  – working daily with children we’re helping

“When the results are so visible, it is clearly that the emotional development program has been thoroughly conceived and implemented!”

Livia Caciuloiu-Minea, Psychologist

“Mister, mister, the play was quite excellent!”

Child from Metropolis Foundation Daycare

More testimonials and results observed by experienced psychologists:

“I like that you put joy into making interactive theatre with the little ones, and that from your interaction they become aware of the emotions and resources they own. You put together music with movement/dancing and the kids are excited and very focused. I am delighted mostly that you constantly seek to improve the play!”

Cristina Dinu-Popa, Psychologist and founder of the Jukava project

Benefits observed at the children after participating in the theatre circles and personal development groups

Social and emotional evolution influence eachother and often times they develop together. Many of the games and activities conducted for stimulating the social development of children bring a substantial contribution in the emotional plan of the little ones and vice-versa.

The activities and games that took place had the role of working-out the imagination and creativity, contributing hugely at the emotional and social development of children.


The techniques that were used for the socio-emotional development of children were to initiate all sorts of little games, interactive theatre through which kids identified emotions, senzations and feelings. Not only they have learned which are these, but, in time, they managed to identify them at themselves and recognize them in the others around them.


Benefits in the social sphere

-acquiring and developing the skills of the main abilities and aptitudes of relationing with others (adults or children)

-aquiring some means and instruments through which they tie a friendship, bond with more ease or they initiate an interaction with a person – trust, recognising roles, dialogue etc.

-comunicating more adequately with the ones around them and taking more care at the way they behave in their interactions with others


Benefits in the emotional sphere

-the formation of the concept of self at the youngest children, through the capacity to succees in perceiving themselves as a unique person, an individual

-recognizing with more ease some emotions, feelings, senzations, at their own self and at others

-emotional expression and the growth of the capacity to handle accordingly in some situations, regarding the expression of emotions

-the growth of trust in self and the others

-using expressions and terms that describe emotions and emotional experiences, children were helped to identify and associate them with moods, behaviors, grimases, gestures.


Former psychologist at SOS Children’s villages Bucharest

Independent clinician psychologist

Paula Dobrinoiu


“That same night, being already tired and angry that we didn’t stay long enough for her to play with the other children, she started to cry loudly. And I asked her what does she feel and the answer was anger, and after she calmed down, she told me that she was sad. This means that she understood the emotions from the magician’s dream. 🙂 So we can’t wait to see you again.”

Cristina Radulescu, mother of Irina, age 4


“Theatre for children: “The easiest thing” – some people might say – “A couple of funny actors entertain kids with happy little story tales and make them stay put for one hour”. 🙂 Perhaps some theatre plays dedicated to children do come down to that, but what I’d like to tell you about is how a simple theatre show can transform into a true catalyzer of emotions and healthy life lessons…”

Livia Caciuloiu-Minea, psychologist


“We really enjoyed the shows, my kids as well as myself. The children ask me to read them the stories presented in the shows. When are you going to publish them?”

Mihaela Stinghe, mother of two extraordinary children


The necessity of conducting and implementing some groups of development and personal optimization for children in foster care system came out from the importance that Emotional Intelligence has in the development of the future person, especially in the case of these children.


Studies have shown that a high level of intellectual abilities acquired after a cognitive preparation is not enough for a good adaptation to the environment, but a good development of the social and emotional abilities assures higher chances for children to be efficient in what they do, to accept themselves, to be satisfied of what they conduct and to have success in life.


This is why an in-depth understanding of emotions and feelings can lead in the future to a better capacity of managing them, a comprehension of behaviors and the way reactions can be managed and improved, as well as the development of empathy, non-violent behaviors, balance, a better adaptation to the school environment (even the decrease of dropping out of school), acceptance of other people’s feelings, developing the ability to express themselves adequately, recognizing that we can manage emotions through rational thoughts, exercising the ability to manage their own feelings, finding solutions to every-day conflictual situations without hurting the self or others, the growth of self-esteem and trust in their own power, a boost in creativity.


At the end of these personal development groups, children were able to recognize their own emotions as well as others’, to have a better self-control of their feelings, to show more empathy towards each other, to understand and express their emotions more adequately, to exercise non-violent ways of communication. In addition, children succeeded to overcome their inhibiting emotions or the ones that over-stimulate them (through identification, recognizing, containing).

Former psychologist at SOS Children’s villages Bucharest

Independent clinician psychologist

Paula Dobrinoiu

“The kids show is an excellent exercise of imagination, adapted to the psychological needs of children, destined to strengthen the self-trust / confidence of the little ones, playing mostly an educational role. Congratulations!

P.S.: This sort of shows would be welcome for the harmonious development of personality for children of all ages.“

Miutu Ana-Maria, Psychologist


“The play has been constructed on the children’s understanding and I can describe I as being entertaining and attractive. I liked the fact that the characters interacted with the kids and sent the message in a child-like way. I consider that the little ones best receive ideas and positive things through fun and play and I believe that the theatre play reached these targets. Thank you very much!”

Flori Mihalache, Social Worker, FFM


“It is a well-known fact that parables are efficient in sending messages to children, and putting them on stage makes their impact bigger.

The theatre play had the advantage of captivating children’s attention with its high-level energy and by involving the public directly.

The messages that were sent are very useful for children considering the context they live in. The final part, the practical solution in terms of protection against discouraging words, was inspiring also for us, adults, in the future approach regarding children and their challenges.”

Anca Dima, Social Assistent


“The show “The adventure of the talking animals” gives children not only joy and education, the little ones also get so much at the affective, soul level. In the end, children embrace the animals, and these moments are highly emotional.”

Irimia Constanta, Lifelong educator, mother and grandmother


“What you do is wonderful, based on your creativity, children enjoy childhood through their own resources, rediscovering themselves and becoming in turn generators of creative content creators for others.

Some parents don’t even know that there is such a thing, do you realize the future of those children? And when we stand to think, in the history of our civilizations, people have not advanced through the “flock”, but by uniqueness, by singularity. This should be encouraged, and those who succeed will have a life full of miracles. And that’s good because … when we educate our children, we actually educate our children’s children. ”

Father of two children aged 5 and 8