All the children have a great potential, but some need a bit of help to achieve that potential πŸ™‚

Here you can find the scientific motivation of the huge importance of quality emotional intelligence training for all children and adults, all consistent with our experience and the expertise of our team of psychologists πŸ™‚

Reducing huge economic costs, improving many aspects of one’s life: health, ecological behaviors, prosocial behaviors, academic achievements, employment rates, weight, salary and work performance, equity; reducing criminal activity, poverty and psychopathologies, improving creativity πŸ™‚ here you can find many studies showing just how important is emotional intelligence for the children, adults and our society now and in the future πŸ™‚
Research also suggests emotional intelligence can have long-term effects, impacting all the adult life.
Please see the research here: click to see the research

Also, please see another part of research that we use to make the content more efficient and fun:Β click to see the research

Please see another big body of research showing the important effects of our creative and fun solutions for children and adults:Β click to see the research

You can find a list of the subjects and the research for each subject here (it is really big body of research, it may take some time to load): find it here

For the children in need we work with, we also documented the huge importance, please see it all below

For children in hospitals pain is maybe the most important factor that can leave emotional marks and diminish the quality of life of the children and parents

The stress and emotions can be also overwhelming for these children

Here you can find the scientific motivation of the huge importance of emotional intelligence for these extraordinary children:Β click to see the research

We’re offering them maybe the most important gift πŸ™‚ in fun and diverse ways πŸ™‚

Children living in foster homes need our help because most of them experienced traumas like abandon or separation traumas and some research suggests there might be an impairment with their executive functioning development πŸ™‚

Research suggests there are many risk involved for these children (and all our society) like health risks, obesity, violence and delinquency, impaired professional and personal success, and many psychopathologies

Here you can find the scientific motivation of the huge importance of emotional intelligence for these extraordinary children:Β click to see the research

Children living in poverty have many emotional challenges and difficulties
Research suggests there are many risk involved for these children (and all our society) like health risks, obesity, violence and delinquency, impaired professional and personal success, and many psychopathologies
Here you can find the scientific motivation of the huge importance of emotional intelligence for these extraordinary children:Β click to see the research

Children with disabilities may need help in processing emotions due to the disability itself (like autism spectrum disorders) or due to the inferiority complex and many daily challenges and different forms of difficulties in being accepted by the others

Here you can find the scientific motivation of the huge importance of emotional intelligence for these extraordinary children:Β click to see the research